Algorithmic Textiles Design

Course ID 15367

Description Textile artifacts are -- quite literally -- all around us; from clothing to carpets to car seats. These items are often produced by sophisticated, computer-controlled fabrication machinery. In this course we will discuss everywhere code touches textiles fabrication, including design tools, simulators, and machine control languages. Students will work on a series of multi-week, open-ended projects, where they use code to create patterns for modern sewing/embroidery, weaving, and knitting machines; and then fabricate these patterns in the textiles lab. Students in the 800-level version of the course will additionally be required to create a final project that develops a new algorithm, device, or technique in textiles fabrication.

Key Topics
Sewing and sewing machines
Sewing and embroidery simulation/visualization
Single-line pattern creation for embroidery
Flat-sewable pattern design
Weaving and weaving machines (looms)
Flat and dimensional weaving design methods
Woven cloth simulation
Knitting and knitting machines
Programming knitting machines
3D knitting and what can be machine knit
Knit cloth simulation.

Pre-required Knowledge
Familiarity with at least one programming language and basic programming concepts.

Assessment Structure
Grading will be based on project completion.

Course Link